Post 7

This was another action-packed section. While reading, I found myself getting more anxious the closer I got to the end. I loved reading about Dogson getting what he deserved at the jaws of the tyrannosaurs. When the main group was in the convenience store towards the end, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen, and if they would escape the island. I also learned that Malcolm is a morphine fiend, always trying to shoot more into himself. I did feel bad for Arby, he had a face-to-face encounter with raptors, he was tired, and just wanted to go home. I know if I was in Arby’s situation, I probably wouldn’t have done as well as he did. Overall, I loved this book, I rate it a 9/10. The character development throughout the story, the sudden developments in the story, everything in this book was great.

Post 6

This was the most exciting section of the book for me, I was on the edge of my seat during the whole thing! While Ian Malcolm and Sarah Harding were trying to fix the baby tyrannosaur’s broken leg, the parents then found the trailer and took the baby back. After Ian and Sarah were convinced the rexes left, they started relaxing, but the rexes came back and attacked the trailer. The attacks led to a huge sequence of events where Ian and Sarah almost fell off a 500ft cliff along with the trailers, with Dr. Thorne arriving just in time to save them. At the same time, raptors were approaching the high-hide, where Levine, Eddie, Kelly, and Arby were all hiding. When the raptors began to attack, Eddie fell and was killed by the raptors. This event led to the most anxiety-inducing part of the section, in my opinion. Arby also fell off the high-hide, but he managed to get into a cage mounted onto the bottom and lock himself in. But the raptors took Eddie’s body and his cage with them. This forced a long chase between Sarah and Kelly against the raptor that took the cage key, while Levine and Thorne followed the rest of the raptors to retrieve Arby in the cage and save him. After Arby was retrieved, the key was also retrieved, this is where the section ended. I am very excited to see how this book ends and what characters all survive the island.

Post 5

This section was full of action like Dogson’s team driving around the island and visiting dinosaur nests. While visiting nests around the island, Dogson and his crew came across an unlikely foe, the tyrannosaurs. While trying to steal their eggs, it was discovered that only babies were in the nest, so Dogson used his sound device to keep the parents from interrupting him. But the adults powered through and sent him and his team on a wild goose chase. Before they attempted to escape the rexes, Dogson tried to make use of the information he read beforehand to make the rexes lose sight of him. By standing still, Dogson was under the impression that he would be invisible to rexes. But he was misinformed, leading to one of his men being eaten by the huge creatures. After losing Dogson, the tyrannosaurs learned that Malcolm and the main crew took a baby to give it medical attention, inevitably leading them to the trailers, where the next section begins.

Post 4

This section was really fun to read. From Sarah falling off the boat Dogson invited her onto, so she could get to the island, all the way to the many interactions with dinosaurs found in the reading. In this section, Dogson and his crew arrive on the island with their jeep, “Losing” Sarah Harding on their way. We later learn why Sarah fell off the boat and find out that she was able to reunite with the main group. This section also shows the real reason Dogson went to the island, he and his two men go around the island visiting the dinosaur nests, with bad intentions. Throughout the reading, Crichton continues to develop his characters and world-building by using dialogue between different characters.

Post 3

I really enjoyed this section of the book, I especially enjoyed the background of the previous events in the series given throughout the section. The added knowledge of how the dinosaurs of the island were created was amazing too, all the different steps being so detailed was such a good idea from Crichton. Sarah Harding’s encounter with the main antagonist Lewis Dogson was also interesting. The first real description of a dinosaur given in the story so far is found in this section too, the description of a close-up interaction with a dinosaur and how it behaves is so cool.

Reading Post 2

The second section of Jurassic Park: Lost World is almost the same as the first. The author continues to give background to the story and moves it along slowly. Crichton slowly introduces the main plot point of the book by having his characters play a game of elimination to figure out where they are supposed to go. There are also other developments in the plot that are only known to the reader, such as the existence of a company whose goal is to exploit the main cast for their own gain.

Reading Section 1

While reading Jurassic Park: Lost World, I noticed a theme in the story progression for this book and the previous installment. Michael Crichton begins these books with context and backgrounds for every character and how they end up where the real story begins. I have enjoyed reading through the prologues of this story and having a better understanding of all the characters. Being able to understand these different people can help the reader of the book form a kind of relationship or opinion of them for the coming story. I particularly enjoy reading these prologues because I get to experience what happened between this book and the previous one.

.5 Starter Post

The book me and my partner Aidan Johnson is called “The Lost World,” written by Michael Crichton. The reason we are reading this book is because Crichton has always been a great author and his Jurassic Park series is very interesting. After watching every single movie in the Jurassic Park/World series, I wanted a change of pace, so I started reading the books. After finishing the first installment of the series, I procrastinated on reading this book until now when I had a chance to force myself to keep reading on. I have high hopes for this book as the first Jurassic Park was a very interesting read and change of pace.

The Crucible; Act 3| Emotions

Surprise, after John Proctor’s rant about the sins he committed, everyone in the courtroom seemed to be in total shock. The way John had talked to the group in the courthouse towards the end of Act 3.

Jealousy is shown in The Crucible Act 3 in the form of Abigail trying her best to get Elizebeth Proctor convicted of being a witch so she can have John Proctor for herself.


2. Do you think any of these (de las Casas’, Columbus’, Red Cloud’s) accounts changed the audience? How? Why yes or no? If not, what could they have done to more affect their audience?

I think de las Casas’ account of the Spaniards’ treatment of the Native Americans would have changed some people’s opinions. Some people might have thought the Spanish would befriend the natives and work together with them. After de las Casas’ recollection of the events in the New World came out, people might have been angry with how the natives were beaten and killed for no reason.